Joseph had to dance along with the music Electroman put on, his grin wide. He nudged Meg with his elbow. "That guy's so cool." Meg only nodded, giggling. Once the dance number had been completed, Light stood up and went to greet the newcomer. "Welcome... Electroman. I'd recognize my designs anywhere. Plate model V1 yes? how have you come to move on your own?" Regis at the bar continued to polish his glass, watching contently. "Ah... a newcomer... great...." He looked at where he had barred the door, which now swung precariously at the hinges before breaking off. "The first order of business is for you to repay me for a door, hi-tech lock system and metal blockade." Though, he silently supposed that it would be best for the door to be open, and he sensed Electroman would not be their only visitor tonight.