[centre][img=https://static.f-list.net/images/charimage/1325998.jpg][/centre] [b]Becky Hamilton[/b] ---- [b]Background[/b] [i]Werewolves of London[/i] Becky was once an average girl, working at a job towards a goal that she may soon forget. The degree she worked for at college not landing her quite where she thought. She had a degree in acting, but it was hard to find a theatre group that was taking actors at the time. She didn't expect that the one frivolous course in bar-tending and mixology she would be the one to secure her a stable and decent paying job. The job soon became routine to her, a bore to her in how it never changed; the same patrons, the same drinks everyday breeding contempt at work for her. How she wished for anything to come and change that. One night it seemed to come true as her routine was broken by a new patron. Naturally, she wanted to chat to them and learn more about them, as anybody's with a curious nature would want to do. It proved to be a mistake for her, the customer wanted to do nothing with anybody there. Each reply they gave short and too the point, the more asked about them, the more agitated they appeared to become. It was rather quick how Becky's interest faded and turned to frustration. In an act of passive aggression against them, she started to serve drinks incorrectly and her own tone just as sharp as the person she served. Strangely, the person left soon after the change in attitude from Becky rather than escalate it with her. After that, her routine returned back to normal, making her feel like she was the victor in the petty exchange. When her shift came to a close, she packed her thing and left. She must have been tired that night, as she can hardly remember the walk home she took every night. The next morning she woke up with little recollection of how she got home or when. A terrible pain radiating in her neck as she forced herself to rise out of bed. Unknown to her, the wish for her life to become less routine was granted. [b]Personality[/b] [i]"What can I do for you love?"[/i] [b]Human Becky[/b]: A sweet and average girl by all means. Soft spoken and polite in her speech. Her simple and rather casual choice of words making her appear just slightly ditzy, her smiling softly doesn't help the impression either. Worse yet, a bad memory as of late really makes her look like a scatter brain. She's charitable to the point of naivete, where its easy for people with bad intentions to take advantage of her good nature. Being a bartender taught her how to be a little more friendly to strangers as she listens to bar patrons often. It hasn't made her completely outgoing though, approaching total strangers on her own will still make her nervous and become self aware of her own mannerisms and choice of words. If a person does take advantage of her or is plain rude, she'll put on a face and pretend it is fine. Pushing it inside instead of working it out or standing up for herself. She lets what happened fester with in and broods over her feelings. She never acts fully aggressive, but rather passively so. She has a host of interests and hobbies which include karaoke with friends, a regular and favourite activity of hers; watching plays, something Mayfair is great for; and mixology, an interesting and practical application of science. She has few friends, but she holds them dear close to her heart. Nearly to the point of being a little clingy, where she becomes a little lonely with out them. [b]Werewolf Becky[/b]: She is the voice inside of your head that we all have, the one that nags for you to do evil, the nasty voice we all suppress. The difference is, this voice now has a body to act it all out. She's self assured to the point of arrogance, a cocksure grin on her face as she speaks. Everything she see's fit as her's, she'll take, and she wants it all. Sweet and playful when people are on her good side, perhaps even lustful when she whispers teasing words in to a person's ear that she really likes. However, if she dislike a person she becomes wrathful. Using sharp words and uttering threats instead of sweet promises. While Becky remains unaware of this side, this one seems somewhat aware of the other. Referring to the human side as "Her owner" or "Her master". This side could be called "loyal" or "protective" of the other. Often coming out to resolve an issue she thinks is happening to the other side, or to protect the body they share from harm. ---- [b]Rules of the Werewolf[/b] Werewolves in this lore aren't exactly similar to the ones who change by moonlight. Being bit by one will still change a person in to one, as well as the more obscure methods. Such as drinking out of a glass, fountain, or puddle another werewolf has. Where they start to differ is that the werewolf exists inside of a person as an alter ego of sorts, a very vocal id. They're the ones who put nasty suggestions and thoughts in to the victim's head, speaking as a voice with in. If the victim starts to consider these vile suggestions, they'll slowly let the werewolf with in take over and change in to them. Their punishment or burden being that they become an ugly person in terms of personality. Emotions play a crucial part to initiate these changes as well. Most of them being based on the seven deadly sins; Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.