Leo was part way through his meal when he spotted the armoured lizard man out in the lobby. The man was huge, bigger than Leo had seen out in the clearing. Judging by the equipment, he looked as though he was a god's warrior of some kind. The type of people who get their gods to do the healing for them. Lucky chumps. A glint on the paladin's hand caught Leo's attention and caused him to stop chewing for a moment, however. From where he sat, Leo spotted a tiny humanoid, a little winged girl. [i]Fae...?[/i] "A fae!" Leo sprung upright, his legs pushing out the chair under him with a loud sound of wood sliding. With a brisk pace that belied his previous fatigue, he marched up to the lizard man, his bulk becoming even more prevalent as Leo approached him. But Leo's eyes were fixated on the creature on his hand. As soon as he was close, Leo squinted and confirmed his suspicions. The small creature did indeed fit the description of a fae, if looking a little haggard, sickly even. "Excuse me... miss... uhm..." Leo fumbled with his words, unsure exactly how to address such a creature, "Are you local to these parts? I am looking for one of your kind in this wood, it is very important."