Nestled in the warm, restrictive binds of her cocoon, Clotho finished her plan. She had wasted no time in her design, favoring function over form and exhibiting a clear lack of patience or mercy in her design. The first creatures fabricated by Keepers were, as a rule, weak, dumb, and unremarkable, but nevertheless Clotho had put her every effort into the blueprint. She reasoned that while her ability to endow her primary minion with offensive prowess was limited, she could somewhat resist the equally fragile stereotypes of cannon fodder and glass cannon by focusing primarily on defense. Intelligence and strategy were, contrary to all impressions, two of Clotho's most prized qualities. The semblance of a raging, mindless bug queen would undoubtedly be useful later. Strategy was, in fact, the number one asset of the Myrmidon. Though Clotho's eyes were screwed shut, she visualized it perfectly. Standing at six feet tall, four feet long, and weighing four hundred pounds, the Myrmidons featured the lower body of ants and rather humanesque torsos—a twisted sort of centaur. Their dark yellow carapaces, tough, edged with small spikes, and extremely fibrous, would be able to take most conventional means of attack with little damage. Moreover, Clotho planned to equip them with huge chitin shields and long, barbed spears for maximum defensive prowess. In close quarters, Though Myrmidons wouldn't be particularly threatening in terms of raw power, they served excellently as protectors and enforcers; other creatures would be created down the road for raw destructive might. With a wet crunch Clotho tore out of her cocoon, leaving half of it in shreds. In her clawed left hand she held a little yellow egg, hard-shelled and spiky. After a brief stretch, she extended her wings and took off through the hole in the ceiling, zooming from the King Tree's zenith toward its base. When she arrived, she could only confess herself pleased with what she saw. The undercanopy of her arboreal home was a chaotic, frightening tangle of paper and plant. Large amounts of this jungle's native arthropods had gathered everywhere, a phenomenon Clotho hadn't foreseen. Perhaps their instincts had guided them to their knew home, or their tiny minds had sensed the Swarm Keeper's potential. In the span of only a few moments, Clotho recognized an ant hill, several picturesque spiderwebs, and a bustling beehive. She couldn't help but feel a certain kinship with -or perhaps subconscious urge to rule- all these bugs, but there would be bigger, better bugs to nurture. The Myrmidon was exactly that, and the species needed a chamber to call home. Clotho landed on the leaf litter outside a huge crevice at the tree's base. Here a drone imp had constructed a shelter, like the dwelling of a trapdoor spider, that fed into the root-strewn cave. Perfect. Clotho strolled in, egg in hand, and promptly evicted the imp. It left its own nest without protest, standing silently nearby should its master require its service. Clotho placed the egg in the imp's nest before stepping back and poking it with a magic-infused rapier. Instantly the egg rocked, wreathed in the same vile energies Clotho had used in her previous summonings. A minute later, it hatched in an explosion of magic, growing to full size in the span of seconds. The Myrmidon was everything Clotho had hoped, six feet of durable, spiked shell built like a tank. Beneath its feet, the magic spread throughout the chamber, converting what used to be an imp's habitation into the spawning grounds for the Myrmidon race. New eggs swelled into existence from creepy, plantlike veins as a thick fume filled the air. More than satisfied, Clotho pushed her way out of the trapdoor and into the shade cast by her half-built hive. [u]Status:[/u] First Minion: 3/3 Location: King Tree, jungle north of Saploya River, N16°W12° Dungeon: An incomplete and unfurnished yet vast hive spanning the length, width, and height of a massive, ancient tree in the jungle. The hive itself is constructed of a magically-created liquid that expands and hardens into a stiff, paperlike substance upon exposure to air. The main body of the hive is suspended by countless support struts that reach for hundreds of feet in every direction. The Dungeon Heart is situated at the very top of the tree. Currently has: Dungeon Heart, Myrmidon Spawner. Forces: 15 Drone Imps, 1 Myrmidon [u]Compendium[/u] First Creature – the Myrmidon. 6” tall, 4” long ant-centaur sort of thing. Though it does have a humanoid torso, it is still totally enclosed by a carapace that is tough, fibrous, and spiky all in one. Usually outfitted with both body-length shield and long spear, and can fight with claws and mandibles in close quarters. Built for survivability.