Rosalinda watched him carefully as he sat down on her bed, eyeing the food before she heard him start to speak again. She listened to him speak about how he didn't do it, and asked her how she could ever believe that he would do something like that to her. Her lip quivered as she took a sip of her mixed ale, tears forming in her eyes that threatened to fall. But within milliseconds she had quickly dropped her drink on the floor which shattered into shards of all sizes, although what she did after the glass shattered might've shocked Adrian; Her arms wrapped quickly around his waist, her face planted softly into his chest, and her years began to fall like the a rapid flowing stream that had been hit by its flooding season. "I wanted to believe you didn't do it Adrian, I truly did, but the note....... It was your hand writing! And how could someone get your handwriting so perfect Adrian? That question has been on my mind for years Adrian........ I want to believe you so bad but my heart was so broken by the thought of you doing that to me. You meant everything to me....... You still do....... But I'm afraid to lose you again." Rosalinda admitted through her tears, her body shaking with each small fast sob that escaped her body. She heard him ask how he could get her to believe him, to believe that he had done nothing wrong, and she had to think hard for a moment before she slowly opened her mouth to speak. "Hold me Adrian...... Tell me everything will be alright...... Don't leave me alone again Adrian...... Not even if we get back to or homes...... If you do leave again...... Well, let's just say that I might end in an unseemly way." She told him, slowly looking up from his chest so that their eyes could meet once more.