A chanting chorus rose, a song about purity and virtue and fable. The human Monks sang their song as they did every day for generations, however lately a corruption has been spreading in their ranks for months now. Macaroth found his way to Elysium following the swelling of keepers, biding his time and waiting. Strategy was always Macaroths way of doing things, thinking ahead of his allies and of his enemies, he observed the formation of several dungeons from the ethereal plain before deciding to join in himself, he would do that a bit more subtly though. He begun assaulting the minds of the Monks of a secluded monastery in a forest, steadily and slowly dripping his essence into their being, corrupting them gently to his will. If he did it by mere force, well there is no splendor in that. Feeding of their purity and replacing it with his own will and malice, today was the day he would be brought into their world almost willingly. The song that started as a praise twisted abruptly into a dark and profane chanting followed by the destruction of their reliquary on a pyre outside the monastery with unnatural smoke rising from it into the air save for the armor set of some patron saint of theirs which they prepared for him to inhabit. The chanting grew in volume and poise and the monks bowed down to the armor as a stirring in the air opened a dimensional rift as Macaroth poured forth into the armor and gave it life, taking on the appearance of one of the humans he raised the old sword in hand to the air and proclaimed "I have come, I am here. The Bane of all existence has arrived upon you.." He summoned a few imps and set the enslaved monks with them to build his Dungeon Heart in the depths of the monastery catacombs. So does his reign begin. Status: First Minions: Location: Deren Abbey 10 degrees by 20 degrees north east of the center on the equator Dungeon: Heart in progress in the Catacombs of a monastery Force: 6 Monks, 5 Imps