"I Don't say no to free drink, my friend, so don't mind if I do. I too value those I have shared drink with." Picking up the jug, Ghas took a deep swig before putting the jug back on the table. Smacking his lips appreciatively he continued: "Usually though, the drink would be a little something stronger than this. But this is isn't half bad. Rook, was it? Well met." He ended with a grin. "And I happen to agree with you on the fact that our dear Lila over there seems like she can handle a little banter." Still it was a little worrisome that signs of tension were already showing between the different members of the group. Between Lila and Rook things would probably be fine. They seemed to be in a relatively comfortable relationship of mutual dislike. The elf, so quick to pull a dagger at Rook, would be a larger problem. Her reaction to Rook's comments could only be called reckless and irrational. Threatening a man who she would have to travel with for the foreseeable future, whom she would have to trust her life on, was a bad move. Not only that, but her little escapade had not been subtle. All the other party members might now be questioning the elf's trustworthiness. Trust would be vital on the mission they were about to embark upon. Casting a sideways glance at the disgusting sword that had been the center of attention before, Ghas' hand unconsciously tightened around the hilt of his dagger. Not that the dagger would help if Ghas encountered such a sword wielded by one its Orcish masters. "Actually, I think that those who can't handle such banter better leave. If ye aren't that tough at least, you won't stand long to the trouble we are about to face."