"Well I don't know about getting used to it easily but I will definitely eventually get used to it in time because living a single day without you darling would not be al ife worth living" Vladimir said as he held her around the waist happily as they danced together in a loving way with her head now on his chest "You know darling I wish I could agree with you but there's been too much hate done by my own bare hands for me to have a golden heart but I thank you for being so romantic" he said kissing her lovingly. It was then he heard Luner talking to someone and he watched as the king, queen, maids, butlers and other people came out from the shadows "Well thank you all for ruining my surprise" Vladimir said kneeling down on the ground as he pulled out a beautiful ring from his pocket "Luner will you make me the happiest man in the world by accepting and becoming my wife?"