Despite being a inn secluded in a hysterical forest that will get even the most seasoned explorers lost, it was a pretty lively place. There was intricacy in just about ever aspect of inn, which made the building probably one of the more unique establishments Arco had ever seen in his four hundred plus years. The people it housed were just as unique if not more. Dwarfs, elves, human, and a [I]dogman?[/i]... All sorts of lost and weary travelers existed under this roof. It was a bit surreal. Although probably the greatest part of the inn was the fact that it had a high enough ceiling to allow Arco to walk uninhabited through various sections. The entrance and probably everywhere else had a lower ceiling but the main hall allowed just a few inches of clearance. The smell of hot food soon overwhelmed Arco's mind, especially after his new dwarf friend had brought it up. "Yes it is quite grand, dwarf! I rarely see a place that house a thing of my size." Arco turned and placed his free hand on the dwarf's head after his comments about hunger. "I'd relish in your company this evening, dwarf. You and I can introduce ourselves then and if cost be your worry, I'll cover it. It isn't every day that I get the warm and exciting company of a dwarf." Arco cracked a smile for the first time in a few weeks. By Arconia did he love conversing with dwarves, they were always hospitable and always entertaining and this dwarf was certainly no exception. Arco made headway for a vacant table but was interrupted by that dogman he had first noticed when he entered. He was in hysterics over Arco's small companion, Rye. The Draconian looked down at his companion who was now recoiling in fright and shock at the sudden inquiry. She leapt up from Arco's palm and flew up to his shoulder where she could look down on the dogman in safety. Arco knew Rye was a timid sort judging from the past week of spending time together but he didn't know she'd be so jumpy as to flee just about anyone, but it made sense judging from where she came from. "Easy there, stranger!" Arco spoke with a calm and friendly tone. "My friend here isn't so open to strange people it seems. Plus I haven't heard her say an audible word yet. I imagine she is mute." Arco gently reached up and extended his open palm again to which, Rye climbed on before being gently lowered back in front of the dogman again. "The matter seems important to you..." Arco said as he studied the dogman's head. Never in all his years of life did Arco ever see a man's body with a hound's head. ".. Yes, I reckon she is from these parts. I found her while lost in these woods about a week ago. She was alone when I discovered her and I did not see any of her kin nearby." Arco closed his eyes for a moment, recalling just how it was he found Rye. It was best to censor most of it for now. "That's really it. Unless she can talk and you can get her to, I'm afraid that's all I can really add."