(Whoops, forgot about this for a moment! Quick post!) Glaive analyzed the Reaper troops closely. They didn't seem weak in the slightest. The Cannibals wielded an arm cannon that undoubtedly powerful due to its size. The Marauder seemed the weakest, but Glaive knew better, they probably had some ability to boost the strength of the Reapers around them. The Ravagers seemed familiar, he couldn't quite put his tongue on it. He ignored it for now, he assumed the Ravagers would be ranged fire support, but what were those sacks? Most likely weak points, but why would the Reapers design a warrior with such blatant weak points? Glaive mused to himself for a second, they would see during the mission. The Commander asked if there were any questions, and Glaive rose from his seat. "Excuse me, but what of the MIlitia itself? What is their status?" Glaive concernedly inquired.