[hider=Artemis] [b]Name:[/b] Artemis [b]Age:[/b] Unknown (appears to be 8) [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Demon [b]Appearance:[/b] To most people Artemis looks like a normal 8 year old girl with long black hair that reaches down the middle of her back. Only the extremely observant (and usually non-human) will notice that her hair is actually dark chestnut brown that slowly darkens to black. The warm tones of her hair blends well with her rosy complexion. Her big eyes make her look more innocent than she really is. She has heterochromia iridum hence her left eye is cobalt blue while her right eye is a cornflower blue. She definitely draws people to her because she is always smiling, but do not be deceived. She is twice as calculative and aloof compared to her brother. Her clothing will reflect her mood at the moment. Usually she will dress in a manner that is complimentary to what her brother is wearing, but the color combination tends to be inverse of his outfit. Most of the time what she wears will be decorated with a lot of ribbons, applique animals, animal prints or frills because she has a weakness for anything cute. [b]Abilities/Talents (if any):[/b] Twilight’s Shroud [b]Gravity Manipulation[/b] With this ability allows her to pull things towards her, repel objects flying towards her and even crush objects by exerting insane amounts of pressure. However her primary power is only active when there is a moon in the sky. The power peaks during a full moon. [b]Darkness Manipulation[/b] This ability allows her to use the shadows to create mind numbing illusions and hallucinations. This is only a secondary power so it is much weaker than Gravity Manipulation. The power is only active when there is no moon in the sky. The power peaks during a new moon.[/hider]   [hider=Apollo] [b]Name:[/b] Apollo [b]Age:[/b] Unknown (appears to be 8) [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Demon [b]Appearance:[/b] Apollo appears paler compared to his radiant sister. He has whitish blonde hair and very pale porcelain white skin that doesn’t even have a drop of color. Many would mistake him for an albino at first glance. Only his sister and a rare few actually see the different faint hues that color his hair. He has a soft summery yellow hair at his crown which darkens into sunset orange towards the ends before ending in dusty lilac at the tips (think of it as the colors of dawn changing into mid-day or from mid-day till dusk). Like his sister he has heterochromia iridium. His left eye is cornflower blue while his right eye is cobalt blue. He often appears to be bored or sleepy. This confuses people because they believe he is not as friendly as Artemis when in fact he is actually the more approachable of the two. His outfit is only elaborate to please his fussy sister. He simply lets her decide on the theme because he doesn’t like her nagging him to change his mind. The only thing she can’t convince him about is preferring ice cream when given the choice to have either cake or ice cream. [b]Abilities/Talents (if any):[/b] High Noon [b]Heat Manipulation[/b] He has the power to absorb heat energy and release it with explosive force. It is considered an advanced form of pyro kinesis. Unfortunately he cannot use the ability all the time. He is only able to use during the day when there is sunlight. It won’t even work if it happens to rain in the morning. This makes him quite happy because he loves to sleep in whenever it rains. [b]Wind Manipulation[/b] This is a secondary power allows him to slice through his enemies with deadly aerial attacks. Unlike Artemis’ abilities his wind attacks are equally strong as his heat based ones. He often denies having other abilities because he likes whining about being useless whenever it rains.[/hider]