LJ, I know you and I had talked about Motya's origins in the last thread and that he would be touched by Omestri blood. I also saw that the new CS has a spot for race which I don't think the old one did... or if it did I missed it before; so I have added his race with the explanation (rightly required) for the Omestri bloodline. I'll include what I edited into the old CS below in a hider. Since I worked with you on the whole Red Seminary and Omestri history I figured I would tie the two together through Motya and leave you with a bunch of options to muddle with the Motya character later on, plot-wise, if you so desired. Sorry it is long-ish for a single race entry, but as you know I get fired up when I write about stuff in this setting of yours. It may still need basic editing so forgive any clunky structure or typos, I'll be reviewing later today again. [Hider=Motya Race entry][B][U]Race:[/B][/U] The Little Bear is Varyan as far as he and most others know but his blood is, in truth, half Omestri. Motya's understanding is that he was born a slave child, the spawn of criminally inclined Varyan parents that had been condemned to the mines and their sins had condemned Motya. The truth of the Little Bear's origins however is a much more... complicated "affair". The owner of the Harayatva mine that Motya was enslaved in was a man very loyal to the Red Seminary and the Inner Circle, a man who had paid for the honor of having his three sons attend the Seminary, all three of which have failed the trails at one point or another and now serve the clergy in other fashions. This industrialist had caught the Inner Circle's attention though and those attentions are seldom fruitful for anyone but the Inner Circle. The Circle had sent spies and agents into the industrialists business and private life and it was soon discovered that the lecherous industrialist had carnal tastes for Omestri slaves. He would use the slave women to satisfy his basest desires before harvesting the last of their ether and eliminating any testimony they could give to the rest of Varyan society, which would see the coupling of a Varyan man and Omestri slave as an unfathomable sin under any circumstance. One day, after the industrialist had sated his vast and abusive desires on an Omestri slave girl, he was ready to harvest her ether and extinguish her life. Before he could finish the process though a Watcher appeared in the industrialists private and very secure chambers with no explanation as to how it had gotten there. The diminutive figure, cloaked in heavy gore colored robes that obscured all but its most basic and small humanoid form, approached the slave girl whilst holding the industrialist in check by virtue of being a direct agent of the Inner Circle. The Watcher almost tenderly touched the sadistic bruises and shallow cuts on the girl and then placed a hand on her belly. After its hand lingered briefly, the Watcher removed the slave girl from the harvesting mechanism, left a parchment sealed with the Inner Circle's signet with the industrialist, and disappeared into the growing shadows of the night without once begin seen by any other Varyan except the industrialist. With trembling hands, for he feared his secret exposed, the Industrialist opened the missive from the Circle, the signet seal crumbling to dust, and he read its words. [I]We are the keeper of secrets, as you must now be. Tell anyone of this night and you both will die before the following hour is ended. Tell anyone of the Watcher's visit or your lust for your property and both their family and your's will die before the following two hours have ended. Open your lips and you will bring ruin to all you know before their time is due. You have interjected yourself into our web, remain still and hold your course and you will draw very little of our attentions. If you struggle or disobey, only Varya will save you from our attentions. [/I] Moments after his reading of each line the ink on the parchment bled from its lettered form becoming nothing more then crimson colored blobs on cheap paper which was tossed into the ether engine that warmed his chambers. The Watcher returned the Omestri slave girl to the Red Seminary and under the careful eye of the Inner Circle she gave birth to a half blood Varyan Omestri child. Later the Watcher returned to the Harayatva Mines but he did not visit the Industrialist. Instead, deep in the mines, the Watcher seemed to appear from the darkest shadows surrounding the crowded slave encampment. Stepping from the dusty steam filled recesses, the watcher approached a young Varyan couple that had been recently imprisoned and enslaved for crimes against the church, heresy. The Watcher sat with them for a moments time before delivering a burlap wrapped bundle. The Watcher had spent the time informing the couple that as long as they kept the contents of the bundle alive, their families, tainted by heresy, would not be hunted down and executed. The couple opened the bundle and saw the cherubic face of an infant, sleeping soundly in their arms. Motya would grow in the mines as a child, knowing only his parents protection but never their love, he would be scarred and tattooed by the guards employed by his biological Father that was just as unaware of the child as Motya was of him. One day a young, beautiful, fervent, and newly ordained Inquisitor named Mother Oksana received an assignment directly from the Inner Circle, one that would have her raid the Industrialists holdings, executing the Industrialist, free the children from the slavery their parents had been sentenced to, and retrieve one child in particular, a youth with an amber tinge to his eyes and whose slave "parents" were not to survive the encounter. Mother Oksana performed flawlessly. She returned the child named Motya to the Red Seminary where she became like a Mother unto him as the Inner Circle monitored his progression through Inquisitorial training. [/hider]