~A trip in the middle of winter is so stupid and useless to me. I can't ski, snowboard is boring and I don't like the snow at all. I am so stupid to be here even though I actually won this trip. 2 whole weeks here..... Might as well head down stairs and see what there is to do around here that does not involve dangerous activities.~ Noirin thought to herself as she finished putting the suitcases away in the spacious room that she was given. Absentmindedly she blew a cobweb down from a corner of the room as she picked up her room key and tucked into her pocket. She didn't need a purse just a bit of cash so the purse was placed in the room safe before heading out of the room. After making sure that the door was locked, Noirin took her time walking down to the main floor. She enjoyed the various art works on the walls and the view out of the window but the most interesting things was to people watch over the balcony where she could see the what was going on in the community room. She leaned on the railing as she watched the quiet entertainment below her. The children were quite active, in fact so active that one ran into a man who spilled some hot drink on his arm but he moved so quickly out of her sight that she thought that he must have gone to the front desk to complain about the children. Noirin headed downstairs to see if the man was ok or not and perhaps smooth out any conflicts that may happen between the lodge and the man. Once she was downstairs she saw no one who actually looked even remotely like the man who got the hot drink spilled on himself. She wandered about doing absolutely nothing until it was time for dinner.