Name: Samuel Warren Age: 42 Gender: Male Occupation: Engineer {Technical} Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img=] [/hider] Sam is a weathered man seemingly beaten down by the weight of life. However he retains a strong physical presence given his large height of 6,4 and prideful stance. He often wears baggy clothing and gear that can last, such as large coats and work boots. Personality: "Report on the patient Samuel Warren. Patient shows signs of high resistance to being provoked into violence, showing a clam and collected person. However it should be noted that through he seems to do this in a attempt to manipulate people, a rare feat of someone of his size given he chooses to use his brain other than his natural physical gifts. He takes much pride in his work and defends it, but dislikes people mistreating it, this may pose a problem in future projects of his. Other than that he has a kinder demeanor than most, through a little loud about it, he will have a good work ethic with others. Bio: Born to a English father and Russian mother in USA, Sam became a Engineering tech by attending a university. While there he passed with high marks and soon obtained a job with a local work placement which lasted a rather long time until a incident forced him to move {Note this is a none criminal incident}. After moving out of his families home Sam moved to Parris City. With his high education and past 'experience' he soon got another job where he still works until this day.