Shaige's raw power filled the imp. Using blood magic, he warped the tiny demon's flesh and bones. Soon, the imp stood taller and stronger than his peers, with eyes that let out a carmine glow like dying coals. With even older and more forgotten powers, he manipulated and wove the darkness itself into a robe that cloaked the imp, which might have let him pass for a human, if it weren't for the demon's burning gaze and sulfurous breath. Finally, Shaige made a long, black rod out of the coalescing shadows. The end had a circle that resembled the wheel of a cart, spokes and all. In the middle was room for one small stone. Shaige forced the cork to pop off the vial of demon blood that was his dungeon heart. One of the small, enchanted gems in the bottom of the ampul floated out and wriggled into the staff's socket. The gem, a moonstone white as bone, had a faint red air shimmering around it from prolonged contact with unholy blood. Soft wisps of purplish, nearly ebony smoke drifted from the tip of the staff, as if it were a candle. A hand, now more like a human's rather than a demonic claw, still rested on the vial. Shaige could sense every fiber of the imp's being. This servant of his, once one of the lowliest of demons, was now so much more. He would make a fine emissary, taskmaster, steward, or perhaps even general. No, he would be all four, doing whatever was required of him by his new master. Shaige's voice echoed in the imp's mind, "I know that amongst demons, one must earn his name. By serving me, you have done as much. Rise now, and be known as Soran. You need not remain on your knees clasping my vial, for now you shall be able to hear me always." Soran, ever so bold, tried to inquire, "And of your name? What shall your devotees call you?" Soran alone heard the response that reverberated back, "Names hold power over my kind, and yours. I have no doubt that those who follow me shall invent their own names for me, and that shall be enough." With that, Shaige squeezed out of his open vial and drifted out of the cave entrance, for the first time. His ghostly eyes pierced through the magic laden in this land's very soil. The pain elementals and imps filed out of the cave as well, to stand by their master's side. Or, at least by where they thought their master's side was. They still had difficulty seeing the translucent wraith, even in the sunlight. Soran spoke, "As we went through the countryside looking for a suitable site, we found many things scattered about. Pickaxes, shovels, chisels. We could begin construction immediately." A cold eddy of air was all the construct received as a response, as Shaige had already flewn off to explore the area. The pain elementals and imps were left to their own devices, guarding the cave until their master's return. [b]Shaige's Stuff:[/b] [u]Minions:[/u] Soran the imp construct, 9 other imps, 7 pain elementals [u]Resources:[/u] A few bags of tools and food for the imps. [u]Infrastructure:[/u] A dungeon heart, the imps' makeshift altar