The time was almost near, the hyperdrives were nearly ready for the fleet to perform yet another mass jump for Tandun III. The Admiral, now fully rested, left his quarters for a trip to the Command Bridge, knowing full well of the battle to follow. As he strolled down the corridors, he was met with salute, after salute as he passed by innumerable numbers of officers, crewmen, and soldiers alike whom all ceased their current activities and duties to show the proper respect to the Admiral, many of the crew aboard the ship were the very same people who served under him years earlier during the Separatist Takeover, now those same crewmen, like the Admiral, are itching for a fight, and a chance for vengeance. During his walk, he had come across his Executive Officer, a young Korphiri woman, Dacri Kalos was her name, and their Droid Assistant Backu, a Super Variant of the aging T-Series droids, courtesy of their allies in Arlos Industries. "Admiral!" She called, the two soon flanked the admiral as they processed to the Bridge together. "Just our luck, we came to report to you personally, the fleet is now ready for another hyperspace jump, however..." She was then cut off by Backu. "Our Probe scouts had reach they're destination" he droned on. "However hey were lost in the immediate landing." "The Seps?" "Correct, sir." Dacri said. From what little footage we received, enemy space is insignificant, only a few ships hold orbit." "Excellent! and what of the surface?" "Unknown." Backu replied. "Probe 3-A was lost within moments." "It doesn't matter." He said with great confidence in his tone. He now is fully aware that the separatists stationed too few ships, not enough to repeal an invasion force of this scale. All was going well for him, once Tandun falls under Dominion control, the Hydian Way will open for attack. "As long as we hold orbit, they're good as dead."