((You just kicked my butt in post length... :P)) There was a roar from higher up on the mountain, followed by an orange blur. It streaked for the old dragon, slowed to reveal a [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/312/e/f/makan_by_antrakha-d6tjqmt.jpg]younger dragon[/url]. The younger dragon seemed surprised about the sacrifice, but curled his lips up in anger as he dug his talons into the black dragon's back. With a serpentine motion he snatched Arya from his foe's jaws and broke away from the fight long enough to set the girl in a tree. He hovered momentarily. "Stay here," he ordered, and reengaged his larger opponent. He inhaled, breathed a plume of flame. He was lighter and more agile than the older dragon, but his armor wasn't as thick. His only chance was to win in the air, because if that behemoth caught him on land, he would be just another victim; after all, most dragons were not squeamish about cannibalism.