Hi! Nice to meet ya! I don't really have any ideas at a moment but I'm extremely bored at the moment. I am open to any type of rp. If you have a funky idea just pm me. I am 20 so I am up for some mature rp (sex, violence, swearing, etc.) I would prefer my person to be around that age if we are going to undergo some romance. I love a good story and will try to fulfill the requirements needed to make a character. As for writing, i can go from 1-2 paragraphs to 5-10, whatever your forte. I also would like to mention I'm straight, so if you are looking for a romantic rp I would have to say only males. Yet I am not against doing a friendship or action type of rp with some girls if their interested. I won't bite, and would be willing to discuss some different idea's you might have, so don't be shy I won't judge you on any preferences or ideas. Anyway I shall wait for some responses. Tootle-oo!