[b]Name:[/b] Verité de Merteuil [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Stands at relatively average height of 5'6. Pale skinned, with a fair and unblemished complexion augmented with make-up. She evidently takes a lot of pride in her appearance, and at any time in public appears generally immaculate. She possesses green eye flecked with yellow in the centre, and blonde hair that is often worn in a variety of elaborate styles atop her head. Usually favours less practical clothing - large dresses, parasols on sunny days, vast amounts of jewellery and other finery, especially at important events. Her general thinness and girlish complexion usually mark her out as weak and not entirely intimidating amongst a crowd, a fact that she uses to her express advantage when dealing with less delicate matters. Those who see her when she is working in a more violent setting would hardly recognise her without her assorted finery. Her face has soft, delicate and extremely (stereotypically) pretty features. [b]Personality:[/b] Verité's most noticeable personality attribute are her fine manners. She maintains an air of decorum no matter what business she goes about when in her day to day life. This is usually a pleasant trait, however in less formal situations it can lead to her appearing aloof, snobbish or archaic in her mannerisms. Publicly, she is not quick to anger and is generally soft spoken, calm and thoughtful. Privately however, she can manipulate her personality to suit the situation that she is in - especially when it comes to matters of work. Her adaptability in this regard has been helpful to her throughout her career as an assassin, allowing her to blend in amongst the most upper classes and the lower classes of society. [b]General History:[/b] Verité de Merteuil was born Veronica Simpkin in one of the most deprived areas of the big city. Her mother was a prostitute, and she never knew her father. For the first fifteen years of her life she eked out a meagre existence, attempting to gather enough food to last her through the week and enough money to afford herself a half-decent education. When her mother died, Veronica took to the street-walker life herself in order to fund her life. Encounters with the elite of society allowed her to elevate her status, but also harboured a fledgling hatred for the establishment in the young girl. She abandoned the life of the courtesan for that of the assassin sometime later, upon the realisation that her involvement with members of the elite had given her a prime opportunity to attack those with the most protection at their weakest. Surprisingly, killing came easy to her - perhaps a remnant of her time at the bottom of society. Since then, she has acquired a vast personal wealth eliminating some of society's most deplorable men. Or working for them. [b]Weapons Used:[/b] Poison is the most common weapon, mixed into a glass of wine or a cocktail. She is also fond of small, stiletto daggers and garrotting with a thin piece of silk that she keeps as a garter around her leg. [b]Strengths:[/b] Knowledge of poison, innocuous appearance, relations with the elite of society. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Physical weakness, lack of training with guns. [b]Loyalties (if any):[/b] Verité's only allegiance - thus far - is to herself, and to the accumulation of wealth and status that she has begun to crave.