"Roger that, Sir. I will be here bright and early." Angelica says as she gives a mockery of the NCR salute to Jackson. She then turns and makes her way away from the group. She did not want to give the appearance of wanting to hastily put as much room between her and that group as possible, but that was exactly what she was doing. She would get to know the group soon enough and probably better than she cared for when the mission began. For now, this is the last night of solitude she was likely to get for a while. To be honest the group was shaping up to be quite the force. Not one but two supermutants. She would not be surprised now to see a Night kin start following them. Both Supermutants would make the legion nervous. The basic legion recruit was not equipped well enough to take down a supermutant let alone two. Their more elite units however would be a problem though. The group also seemed to have a doctor. If he has such a title, he would have to be better than her. Yeah, Angelica knew how to treat a gunshot wound and how to splint a bone, but she would never be so confident as to consider herself a doctor. The Legion looks down on most medicine, so it is good to being our own doctor because we are not going to find one on the trail. The group also has a former Legionare. Angelica did not know how to feel about the legionare but she was getting paid well enough not to care too much. She felt about way about the man name Jackson. Angelica went through the Hub making stops to get her supplies. She spent most of her earned caps on ammunition and repair kits for her energy weapons as well as rations. She packed her backpack as full of supplies as she could. She had no idea when she would get a chance to restock her supplies once on the road. Once she spent most of her wealth, she found a nice respectable inn to spend the night. She checked and cleaned her weapons and organized her supplies before hitting the pillow. She dreamed of the Arizona sunsets once again. She could not wait to see them again with her waking eyes.