[center][img] http://i41.tinypic.com/nfgwte.png[/img][/center] Michael snorted at Liz’s comment, he had been dealing with Kimberly since he was born. Still he wasn’t going to leave and miss everything that was going to happen between the group, he just sat back on the couch. Ethan couldn’t help but laugh lightly at Liz’s retort to him. [b]“Make sure to save me a seat in hell puttana”[/b] He yelled loudly to her right before she slammed the bedroom door behind her. He looked over at Michael and frowned. [b]“You’re really going to stay here and butt into business that it’s yours?”[/b] [b]“Don’t I always?”[/b] Michael answered with a smile as Ethan sighed sitting down in one of the other chairs. Meanwhile Kimberly was in the enclosed and very claustrophobic section of the stair well with Carla, as she talked about being tired of being hurt and being kicked while she was down. Honestly Kimberly didn’t know what to day to this, there would never be anything that would make Carla feel better about what happened between her and her cousin. So she stayed quiet as Carla spoke and cried, only moving closer and sitting down on the floor beside Carla. She didn’t answer her question and Kimberly was starting to wonder if that was normal for Carla. When Carla moved away it didn’t bother her, in fact she figured that it would happen, and Kimberly respected the space not moving closer. After the crying slowed to a stop she offered to let Carla stay at her house, and the reaction was slightly surprising to Kimberly. When she asked why she cared, pointing out that she was a mob bosses daughter, and asking why it didn’t just matter about the money for her, Kimberly stared at her frowning for a moment before letting out a snort of derision before rolling her eyes and looking away. [b]“Yes Carla, because that is all I ever care about, the money. The fact that my father is a mob boss means that neither I nor my brothers have a heart at all. We just run away killing and making people suffer for no reason but the fun of it.”[/b] She muttered annoyed, this thought logic was the reason she kept her real life away from the people around her, pretending to be someone else. [b]“And because you live in the ghetto surrounded by gangs that means that you are either trash, a druggy of Michael’s, or a puttana that should be not working the streets for him right? I’m afraid not everyone is so black and white, mio caro.”[/b] She said before looking back at her, Kimberly didn’t answer her question about why she wanted to help her at first. Mainly before she was pretty sure that if Carla didn’t remember her, it was likely she didn’t remember how much Carla had helped her when everything went to hell. What was said next though made Kimberly sigh loudly looking at the woman beside her. [b]“I care so much because over a year ago you helped me.”[/b]Kimberly finally answered laughing lightly as she added. [b]“In that crappy little diner you probably still work at. Believe it or not I know what’s right, repaying help from others is one of them.”[/b] [center]~~~[/center] Over a year ago Kimberly had been in a bad place herself, perhaps not as bad as Carla was in right but it felt like her life was crashing down around her, it all started a month before when she met Carla. After all her family had always known that she was slightly different, but they had never had proof. Somehow despite the fact that Kimberly hadn’t yet come out of the close her brother found out that she was gay. Instead of thinking like a brother should, he stuck his noise full force into her truth and told her father during family dinner for her father’s birthday, the news was not as big of a deal to her mother, but her father reacted strongly in a bad way to it, even though she claimed that this wasn’t true, that she was bi. His only daughter wasn’t perfect as he liked to believe and tried as hard as he could to force her to be, even if those words weren’t actually said it was clear in his reaction, their bond would be ruined forever. Shortly after she moved from living with her father and mother, moving in with her girlfriend at the time Dawn, not far from the diner, and started drinking. The day before she met Carla, she and Dawn had been drinking and Dawn decided to tell Kimberly the truth. This was that she was the reason Michael knew the truth, she was actually one of the whores that worked the street for him, and Dawn couldn’t tell her the truth before because she was in love with Kimberly. Things escalated quickly from there ending up in a fight between the two, Kimberly possibly….punching a few holes in the wall instead of hitting Dawn for ruining her life, and Dawn leaving. The rest of the night Kimberly sent binge drinking. In the morning Ethan came and dragged Kimberly out of the apartment to a shitty diner down the street. Telling her that she drunk called him saying she was going to do like her father would, and burn the apartment down, so she would be ruin of anything that belonged to Dawn. However he was called away right after they sat down, leaving her some money so she would get something to eat and could pay. Now she sat at the table, her back towards the wall as she waited from the waitress to get around to her finally. 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