Name: Annabelle nickname: Ann Age: 31 Gender: female Occupation: nurse (medical) Appearance: She has strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She isn't thin but also isn't overweight. She stands at about 5'6". she has a rosy complexion. before the incident she always kept her hair brushed straight, having it fall to about the middle of her back, but since the incident has had a hard time caring what her hair looks like. She wears a loose T-shirt over a black tank-top and jeans, with a pair of cheap tennis shoes. Bio: Annabelle was the middle child of 3. She always felt like her parents loved her siblings more so she's kind of rebellious. left home as soon as she could and started medical school. She hasn't finished yet but is working as a nurse at a nearby hospital while tries to finish her studies. personality: she's very independent but smart enough to realize when she needs help. can be sassy but also sweet, if she feels you deserves it. She feels respect is very important and you have to earn hers.