[b]Calista ; [/b] “Oh Leo, it would be ravishing to experience education.” She said her voice like velvet even through the rough swallows of the wind. He shook his entire body as if he was screaming no. She huffed and laid her cheek against his hard shell watching the sun disappear along the large snow topped mountains. The dragon’s body finally eased as she could feel his tension release. She held her breath as she tried not to giggle knowing she only needed a simple sigh for her to win. He sighed heavily and her head leaped up with a squeal. She became excited but soon the skies turned black. They had been flying since they stepped in to the earth’s atmosphere. “Leo look at the luscious grass. The air is superb and crisp, how lenient could we be here?” She rolled over on her back before a hard crash entangled her in to darkness. Her heart twisted as she heard a cry out of her companion while his body cracked and crumbled along with hers until they were both planted on the ground. She sprang without a thought and looked around to the dust covered area, her hair flung dramatically over her face.. “Leo! Leo?!” She cried out desperately as she got up to run towards the now shadowed figure that made no other movement. She followed the scales with her fingertips having to run to find where his head laid heavily. She touched his face gently, her hands only being the size of the large scales on his body. She knew he was strong but he had taken a hard fall. His eyes opened slowly and he sat himself up. She hadn’t taken his eyes off him the entire time, and watched his face look in all directions but soon stopped on one where he stared off in to the distance. She turned to look and found it to be a building. ‘We’re still in the sky’ His deep voice triumphed in her head. She looked confused back over the edge to see he was right. She wasn’t sure what to do and only stood to stare at the school while the morning sun rose over the other side. “Leo, since when was earth so peculiar?” He laid his head down for her to lean against and sighed once more.