Rika woke as the sun began to pour into the room. She opened her eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light. After a few moments of letting herself wake up, she turned to face the other side of the room and saw Donovan asleep, leaned up against the bedpost, his head bent down towards Pakuna. She chuckled looking at him. He must have not been able to get to sleep very easily. Well, it had to happen eventually. She got up and walked over to the window, deciding to watch the sun set rise. It was something she'd done at home and it was a rather hard habit to break, not that she wanted to. No matter where she was, sunsets were still beautiful. She stood leaning against the window for a good hour, just watching the sunset, the animals wake up. She even saw a few players walking around outside the inn, going about their day. It almost didn't even seem like anything had gone wrong, like everything was fine... [i]Yuki, you there?[/i] [i]"Unfortunately. I was wondering when you'd try to contact me."[/i] [i]...What are we going to do?[/i] [i]"Well, the only next step is to fight the boss. No one has even yet to find the boss door save for you."[/i] [i]Lovely...[/i] [i]"I'd recommend you garner more partners to aid you."[/i] [i]I don't need partners... They're just...[/i] Rika sighed and glanced at the boys laying in their beds. [i]I don't know what they are really. I don't want to drag them into my problems, not that this is really just my problem... I don't know. I just... I don't want to get hurt by anyone. I have enough to get hurt by right now. I don't even know if I can really trust you...[/i] [i]"You'll have to figure that out on your own. All I can do is be there for you. Same goes for the boys. At least give them a chance. You were so friendly with them before, why hesitate now? Because it's not a game anymore?"[/i] Rika sighed, giving up. She stayed leaned against the window, just watching.