The question was nothing new, and Lucy was surprised he hadn't asked sooner. Walking back to the small guest room, she began to sort her files into neat individual piles. It took a few more minutes of silence before she answered, "Yes. I live here alone. It's been this way for quite some time now." Her eyes continued to focus on her notes and papers. "There was once a family. Not big, not too small. Just me and my parents. I wasn't actually born in this household. As I'm sure by rumor now, you know that I've had to move continuously since I found myself. . .alone in this world." This time she did glance up at Jurano, but no emotion reflected in her eyes. It was nothing but a dead stare. Combined with her monotonous voice, it was enough to give someone the chills. Just how long had she'd been alone? But the red head shrugged it off as if it didn't matter. "The lack of people don't bother me," she said, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm free of any idiots, and the silence helps me think. Helps me plan. Besides, anyone else would just get in my way. . ." her voice trailed off, and she decided to end the conversation there. She promptly returned to scanning through her various files.