{Ryoko} Ryoko's smile vanished as she turned her eyes away from Deedlith and looked towards Heinrich. "Because right now there are more things important then personal feelings, I represent my clan out here and I will not embarrass or fail them because I let emotions get the better of me." She said and she left it at that. The time they were given to rest was enough for her. Her body was already relaxed so the lack of sleep wasn't going to get the best of her. Besides she would have plenty of time to converse and be friendly with Kyoto. She doubt this mission would be quick one. {Kyoto} "Hotaru Tsukiko Yori, is the dragon's name, and she is beautiful. A goddess in her own right for her powers and magic protect my village. She can even take the form of a human and visit her village." He said as he rose to his feet using his blade to help himself up and then he rose it, so that it could drop and rest upon his shoulder. "Other then that she makes her home in a secluded place underneath a waterfall. It is there that you can make a wish or receive her blessings." He then gradually began to move towards where the group was gathering to. "Some may think it strange but I have grown a fondness of the water dragon..." {Hotaru} Hotaru pushed against trees as her body moved through the forest. The scent she took in was his for certain, she knew it. She would not stop until she had found him.