Arco chuckled quietly as he heard Leo's introduction. A man of pleasantries was appreciated but not really necessary. Still, the fact that this man was or still is a doctor could be beneficial in more ways then one. One reason was his information on not having to pay because Arco didn't have a coin on him. The Draconian turned to face the good doctor and clasped a hand on the man's shoulder. "A pleasure, Leopold. I'm Arco Del' Rio Nezzaron, Paladin and humble servant of Arconia." The big lizard went silent for a moment before quickly adding, "Oh uh... Arconia's my deity." Rarely have people ever heard of Arconia, and rarer still were followers of that religion. Arco turned and took a step before halting. "Oh but please call me Arco. It saves everyone the trouble..." He took another step before halting again. "... Almost forgot.. And this is my relatively new companion, Rye." He extended his hand cradling the tiny girl and placed it in front of both the dwarf and Leo. Rye managed a fairly timid wave and a nervous smile. --- The dwarf delivered as he shared a good story involving his mother and the banter and conversation flowed just as food and drink did. Arco sat across from Caelyn the dwarf and Rye scurried about the table around Arco's reach. Despite the sheer size difference, Arco was very careful with his arm movements and always seemingly knew where the tiny fairy was. When Caelyn had finished and starting laughing, Arco matched the dwarf's powerful laugh with his own. "Hoho oh you'll find no quarrel with me for your talking your share!" Arco was full to the point even his drink was too much. It did help to dull the feeling in his leg, however. Sometime during Caelyn's life story, he found the time to bandage it up. Once the party settled down a bit, Arco turned to Leo. Maybe he was a bit drunk on the alcohol or the food or the company but Arco thought now would be a good time to disclose a possible lead for the doctor. "Leopold, friend. I haven't told you everything about this girlie here." He gestured to his companion who was propped up against an empty mug. Awake currently but she had been nodding off from time to time. "Just look at her, Leopold. The bleached hair, pale skin, damaged clothing, the scarred wings, the nervous demeanor.... She was victimized." The light hearted conversation slowly dissipated as Arco continued in a sincere tone. "When I found her, she wasn't alone. She was fleeing a man. Not just any ordinary man but what I would presume to be an alchemist or at least some time of brew enthusiast. I intervened and disabled the man. Rye, here, found solace in that and stayed close to watch what would happen. It was at this point I asked the man exactly what he was doing..." Arco paused for a moment as he glanced down at Rye. She was fully awake now and seemingly on edge as her story was told. "He responded that he used this little thing to test various brews. Poisons and the like. He went on to say that at various points, she died while in captivity only to be revived to continue his experiments. Not one ounce of remorse in his tone." Arco sat there for a moment in silence as he picked at an irregular scale on his finger before finishing. "If you need her help for something, I imagine you'd need her to talk or communicate. She can't talk probably because of something or a variety of things she was forced to drink. She can't write or really point you in the right direction in this Goddess forsaken forest, but if you can fix her voice. Make something or heal her somehow.. Hell, if you can do anything to help I'd sleep better at night knowing that she is healthier, I'd be relieved just slightly.. But... If there is any hint of doubt that you can't do that without harming her, don't even try." Arco leaned back as he eyed that expressionless hound face, "She won't be reliving that ordeal under my watch. No pressure or anything. Think it over, doc."