The introductions were reciprocated. The cheerful dwarf was named Caelyn, and appeared to make liberal use of his mouth. The lizard man, Arco, was indeed a paladin as Leo suspected, though not to a god that he was familiar with. The paladin concept seemed to carry over from his impression of them in any case. The fae was named Rye. She didn't talk at all. Leopold was not nearly as enthused by the dwarf's story as this paladin seemed to be. Maybe it was just the lack of patience in wanting to seek the help of the little fae, but a sense of fun which didn't encompass listening to tipsy dwarves was likely an influence. Leo thought he'd never shut up by the time he lifted his mug in a toast to his 'madre'. It was with no small appreaciation, then, that the hulking great paladin brought the subject of the conversation back to something that Leo could deal with. Arco explained the circumstances that he had met Rye and pointed out that her condition was in fact what its appearance implied; unhealthy. It was no wonder, some alchemist had decided that he would do away with conventional means of finding out whether a plant was poisonous and use the poor creature as his own personal taste tester. Disgusting behaviour by all accounts. Arco put the request to help Rye as an offer, but with his eyes fixated on the fae, Leo saw it more as a challenge. "I'll take a look at you right now, Rye," Leo said, reaching into his knapsack and pulling out a leather envelope of various tools and implements, untying and opening up the array of strangely shaped components. Out of one section Leo took a small pebble of granite with a number of runes etched into its side. "I need you to hold still for a moment," Leo ordered, as he held the stone between his thumb and his forefinger and guided a spell with his other hand to flow some kind of signal into the runestone. It felt awkward using a tool made for someone closer to his size than a fairy. "Now fae, from what I've read are very magical in nature, so..." Leo trailed off as a few of the runes started to glow, "Ah, they are [i]that[/i] magical." Leo said before shifting the fingers of his other hand to direct the spell in a new way. Quickly, all of the runes began to shine brightly. "...Oh, I've not seen that before..." Leo mumbled to himself. "That means treatment would have to be in the form of a somatic lattice to induce a change in the ether flux of this body. Any direct physical interference might not even register at all, let alone may cause damage to the hyperxactial formation, but on such a small scale? Hmm..." Leo's mumblings only became more and more mysterious and theoretical that he barely made any sense by the time he actually got to a physical examination. To start off, he pulled out a short small lens tube that he used to get a better look inside people's ears to actually get a clear look at Rye in sufficient detail. Leopold began to ask a few questions that Rye could answer with a yes or a no as he tried to judge her state of health. Her being so intertwined with magic meant that he had to dip into theory he thought he'd never use in practice to diagnose her. "Open your mouth wide and try to say 'ah'," Leo finished with. From what Leo could see of Rye's throat through his lens tube, she was dreadfully inflamed, even looking at it was painful. After a few more questions, some relating to the different substances that the bad man had forced her to ingest, Leo put down his equipment and folded his fingers together. "Well, it's about what you'd expect to get if you were to ingest what this man seemed to administer," Leopold explained to them all, "of course, Rye, you have attributes that have kept you alive, courtesy of your nature, and the man's... abilities. Most others would be dead if they took in the equivalent that you did. Now, not only does it hurt to talk, you can hardly even move your vocal chords." Leo made gestures with one hand, "I would say that the grennenroot twig that this man tried to get you to swallow scratched the inside of your throat, causing a damaging paralysis to your nerves there. Very inflamed. The good news is, I can help with that. As for the other physical ailments you have, they may last a while, but as long as you aren't eating any more poisons and you lead a healthy lifestyle, they should eventually fade on their own." Leo then shrugged, "Of course, much of that would be on assumption that your case is typical. I have not properly treated a fae before, only studied their physiology in books and such. With the magic you have in you, Rye, it may just by a matter of finding a magical leyline to rest underneath for a night once I get that grennenroot scratch closed up. There is probably one somewhere under or around the inn, judging by the power this place has, but I cannot pinpoint it easily." Placing both palms on the table in front of him, Leo looked in close to the fae, "Now then, would you like me to begin the treatment for your throat? It shouldn't take longer than fifteen minutes and a little sting every now and then, but I'll deal with the inflammation as well." Leo's to-the-point tone through his entire diagnosis gave off the air that Rye didn't really have a choice in the matter, even though he omitted repeating the detail on just how small of a scale Leo would have to invoke his magic, meaning that he would have to concentrate hard through the entire treatment.