Macaroth reveled in the creation of his dungeon heart beneath the monastery, it pulsated with his life force, closed behind a large door in the catacombs where bodies would be embalmed, further widened and made larger by the tireless imps that looked more human than demon for that would be his strategy, using humans against one another and against potential enemies. With his essence now fortified on the world Macaroth spawned several more black clothed imps and ordered the fortification of the surface area outside the monastery. Being left alone with his thoughts churning on the endless possibilities of conquest, how sweet it will be. He set out the monks that he now corrupted from the inside but who still looked like normal humans out to find him new servants, weak willed bandits, highwaymen, murderers and all the scum from the nearest lands to tell them that their saint had come to save their souls and repent their sinning. Force: 6 reapers, 10 imps Dungeon: Dungeon heart, fort in progress Resources: monastery pantry filled with fine foods and drink and a tool shed well stocked