Most Special thing: 4 arms. I'd say however that being able to efficiently use all arms is as rare as ambidextrous people ordinarily are (My soldiers mostly use 1 large shield with 1 large polearm, more than a person with 2 hands can do, but it's rarely something like 4 swords due to lack of spacial awareness and dexterity to use all of these extra weapons.) Name: Crayvens Classification: Sentient Appearance: [img=] Shared traits: Technically Genderless although it is hard for outsiders to grasp and some will have distinctively female or male demeanor, voices or preferences. Crayvens pay no mind to this but outsiders classify them male or female on this basis. They reproduce asexually and from 6 or 7 year old will lay a few eggs per year until they are 40. Death occurs between 45 and 50 years old from massive organ failure (They will not suffer through degeneration like humans for example, they'll work as good as they did when they were 20 years old one day and on the other they suddenly die). Their short age also generally traduces itself in them being very short tempered and have the attitude that if you want something done you'd better start now if you want to finish. At the age of 40 when they lay their last eggs, begin to have the urge that now that they have done their duty to their family and race it is time to strive for greater things. They thus become 'Questers' and undertake with their last years journeys, either to found a new town, discover the world and so forth, in an effort to be remembered. The Older the Crayven, the more fearless it becomes. Natural abilities: -Naturally Works well with others. -Adapts very quickly. -Becomes more and more fearless as they age. -Sensitive & Empathic (Crayvens can easily guess something is wrong with people and also have some insight when people lie to them) Lifespan: Average 47, oldest on record 59 (Except for 'immortal' emperor) Relations with other races: "The Crayvens are incredible people, open-minded, innovative and easy to go people, so much unlike the Crayven Empire." Such are the words spoken by an unknown Ralgon citizen. The Crayvens themselves when living with others easily become model citizens due to their extreme dedication to work and their efficiency in this endeavor. The Crayvens however are also known to take this dedication too seriously at times and it is in their nature to quickly balance in the extremes and above all, hate everything that is both mortal and that gets unwaranted importance. A Crayven speaking with an incompetent that gained his office through nepotism or noble birth will either outright spit out his disrespect or will be pleasant only because it advantages him to be in good relation with the man. Crayvens also tend to be bossy and tell co-workers of other races to step aside while they do the work. History: (Optional) Lanuages: -Metropolitan Crayven (Some variants exist, but all crayvens can understand each other unless they weren't thought the language.) Religious beliefs: -Cult of Remembrance: All Crayvens hold dearest the ideal of being remembered as they exist in the afterlife only for as long as someone remembers their name. As this is directly coming from their biological urge to achieve greatness as they age, all crayvens can relate to this. -Cult of Him: He who made everything, He who is the benevolent God of His chosen people. Crayvens, those from the realm at least, hold the existence of everything of Him, honored may He forever be. Preferred occupations: -Architects -Construction Workers -Logistic Planing -Craftsmen Famous people: N/A Strengths: -Fast Reproduction -Fast Maturation -Asexual Reproduction -Four Arms -Need on average only 5h of sleep -Adaptable -Sensitive & Empathic -Natural Chitin Armor -Vital organs in rear abdomen (Harder to kill from the front) -Small Weaknesses: -Prone to go to political extremes -Herd Mentality -Tendency to do Flash mobs. -Short Lifespan -Small -No fat (Does of hunger almost as fast as of thirst) -Dies quickly of cold. -----