There could be no doubting it then. Two werewolves. And it seemed rather easy for her to grasp that concept, even if she were struggling to deny it. But what were they doing within the city? Normally they kept to the woods and state parks. Perhaps they were having another war with the undead. Azazel might be making a mistake attempting to explain these things to her. But the girl seemed to have some experience with spiritual phenomenae. Besides, what harm could it do that would be worse than the transgression for which he had become bound to the earth? So, he looked the girl in the eyes. Dead serious as his own eyes seemed to conceal a celestial fire behind them. And then the fire flared and burst forth. And for the briefest instant, his eyes became starlight. After that display, he smirked and offered a simpler explaination. "Or perhaps they were werewolves." He was, indeed, abnormal.