[center][i]Jaxus System, Ishkar Territory[/i][/center] Upon emerging from hyperspace, the two [i]Wellspring[/i]-class Medical Carriers were tracked down by the sensors of the battlestation, Karnassus. At first, the crew assigned on the sensors couldn't believe it, thinking that it might be just a malfunction on the sensory system, but no, the ships were not classified, nor tagged with any Ishkar insignia, they were clearly not affiliated with the Ishkar. Immediately, the response done by the station was to send its patrolling cruisers to the intruder's location to scramble their communication signals, then prevent it from moving further from their current location. During that time, the station contacted the Exodus, which was only a system away from the current location, to respond to the intruders. Within a few minutes, the Medical Carriers were surrounded by 4 [i]Tartan[/i]-class Patrol cruisers, and 6 [i]Rihkxyrk[/i]-class Assault Fighter squadrons. The cruisers and fighters were ready to open fire, but under Mercurius' orders, they were to be left alone, until his arrival. Not for long, a massive [i]Subjugator[/i]-class Heavy Cruiser jumped out of hyperspace, accompanied by 2 [i]Aggressor[/i]-class Star Destroyers, with the Ishkar's insignia painted on its bridge. It was the [i]Exodus[/i], the flagship of the syndicate that jumped out of hyperspace, Mercurius has finally arrived. The flagship then transmitted a message to the Medical Carriers partially blockaded by the small patrol force. [quote=Exodus]Mercurius, the leader of the Ishkar, wishes to meet the person responsible for leading these ships into our territory. You are clear to dock one of your shuttles into the largest ship infront of you, the personnel you are sending must be unarmed. If you do not wish to comply with our terms, we will be forced to mow your ships down. [/quote]