[center][img]http://5thworld.com/Paradigm/pix/Era-Of-Peace.png[/img][/center] [b][u]Creation and the Fairies[/u][/b] At the beginning of time, when the Goddess of Creation breathed life into the world, she was aided by the Fae, each of them magic personified, commonly known as Fairies. The Goddess created the Beastkin and the Humans and, for a time all was in balance, under the watchful guidance of the immortal Fae. But then the Humans, driven by their lust for power began to enslave the Beastkin, believing them to be less than Human. But it wasn't until the Humans began to dabble in forbidden dark magics that allowed them to corrupt the Fae to steal their power and immortality that the Goddess herself stepped in. She gave birth to a new race, beings born from the very trees of the forest that would come to be known as the Elves. The first of the Elves were bonded to chosen Fairies to share in their power and immortality, becoming the first of the Guardians. [b][u]The 1000 Year War[/u][/b] The Elves and those Beastkin that had avoided or escaped slavery, lead by the Guardians, made war on the Humans in an attempt to restore balance to the world. It was a costly war that lasted a thousand years and left a scar on the world that could never heal. As powerful as the Guardians were, the Humans wielded dark and corrupt magics powered by the stolen lives of the Fairies. But finally the Guardians stood victorious and, for their crimes, the Humans were stripped of their magic and banished from the Forests for all eternity. Those Immortal Guardians, with their bonded Fairies settled down to watch over the world as it slowly healed and found it's balance once more. [b][u]The Guardian Academy[/u][/b] Three hundred years have passed since the end of The 1000 Year War and the world has settled into an era of peace, a tenuous peace, but peace none-the-less. Without magic to rely on, the Humans have built cities of metal, based on technology. There they live in relative harmony with one another and those Beastkin who are descended from those who chose to remain among the humans after being freed from slavery. In the great forests the Elves and Beastkin have remained unchanged by time. But the state of the world has not rested well on the mind of the first and oldest of the Guardians. He believed that the world could only find true balance once all the races united in peace. He came to believe that the Guardians were the key and, with the blessing of the Fae created a place deep in the forest where chosen young people of all races, even humans, would be brought to be bonded with Fairies and taught the ways of the Guardians. It is to this new, united generation of Guardians that the First hopes to trust the peace of the world. [b][u]RP Info[/u][/b] [b]Rules[/b] ~ I am the GM of this rp, which means until I elect a Co-GM my word alone is law. ~ I expect at least 2 paragraphs each post. I understand that inspiration can sometimes be hard to come by so I'll be somewhat lenient but if you constantly do 2 or 3 sentence posts I'll have to expel you from the RP. ~ Any arguments in the OOC should be kept short and controlled or taken into PM. If they get out of hand or spill into IC, I will intervene as GM and put an end to it. If you continue when I've said stop then I'll just kick you out altogether. ~ Try to keep your characters as original as possible. I understand your character might be inspired by other characters from books, anime, games or other RPs but don't just blatantly rip off someone elses character. ~ Keep it PG-13 guys. Some swearing and violence is allowed but don't go overboard. Romance is also allowed but if any sexual stuff happens, fade out and take it to PM. ~ No Godmodding/Auto-hitting during fights and no killing off another player's character without their permission. ~ If you are going to be absent for more than three days then please notify me. If anyone is absent for too long without good reason then I will take over control of their character and remove them from the RP. [b]Races:[/b] [u]Elves:[/u] Created by the Goddess to answer the threat of humans, the Elves have settled into a peaceful existence since the end of the war. They live in tight-nit villages inside the forest and are the only race of which every member is innately capable of learning to use magic. [u]Beastkin:[/u] Wolves, tigers, bear, dragons, etc. The Beastkin the half animal half human races of the world. As varied as they are they all share the same traits: Even in human form they retain some indication of their animal nature such as horns, ears, tails, etc. They are also able to transform completely into their animal form. Few are born able to use magic, however. The races are widespread, living in deserts, forests, mountains, swamps, seas and even in Human cities. [u]Humans:[/u] After being exiled from the forests and stripped of their magic, the industrious Humans went on to build great cities and develop a society based on technology. In these cities they live alongside the Beastkin and, despite their inability to use magic, they prosper. [u]Fairies:[/u] Creatures of pure magic, the Fae are able to take any form they wish, though their natural form is that of a small winged humanoid, While not physically strong the Fairies are capable of great magic and are the only race capable of forming a life-bond with other races. [b]Guardians[/b] The Guardians are those chosen by a fairy to be bonded to them for life. This bond comes with many perks and one great responsibility. Guardians share their Fairy's immortality, but may still fall in battle. They have increased physical strength and the ability to use powerful magic, regardless of their race. In return for these perks a Guardian is tasked with protecting all of Fae kind and preserving the balance of the world. A Guardian is chosen the moment they first make contact with their Fairy. A permanent mental connection is formed between them and a unique symbol is magically carved onto the Guardian's body to symbolize their bond. [b]Magic[/b] Magic comes in two forms, Fairy Magic is magic in it's purest form and while very powerful it is unpredictable. The Magic used by the other races is based on an individual's Elemental Affinity. There are six known affinities: Fire, Water, Earth, Air and the two rarer affinities of Light and Darkness. The four common affinities encompass simple elemental magic while those of Light are able to learn advanced Healing spells. Dark magic is considered taboo if not outright forbidden, as it was Darkness magic that allowed the humans to corrupt and siphon the power of the Fae during The 1000 Year War. [b]Persons of Interest[/b][hider=Headmaster][img]https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379745945/98405.jpg[/img] Name: Alivari Nostala Age: 1305 Gender: Male Race: Elf Position: Headmaster and Founder of the Guardian Academy Description: Alivari was the first Elf to be born into this world and the first Guardian. He founded the academy in the hopes of bringing all the races of the world together in peaceful coexistence.[/hider][hider=Vice-Headmaster][img]http://i536.photobucket.com/albums/ff325/chibi_lover2696/fairy%20anime/fairy-4.jpg[/img] Name: Aria Age: Immortal Gender: Female Race: Fairy Position: Vice-Headmaster and Bond-Mate to Alivari Description: Aria was the first of the Fae to volunteer for Bonding and was bound to Alivari for life. Over the years she has come to love Alivari and spends all her time in a full human sized form, only returning to her normal fairy sized form when needed.[/hider][hider=Librarian][img]http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/dragongirl_zpsb95a0d0d.jpg[/img] Name: Katsumi Natsuko Age: 24 Gender: Female Race: Eastern Dragonkin Position: Librarian Description: Born into one of the Eastern Dragonkin clans, Katsumi has always had a strong hunger for knowledge. She spends all her time in the immense Academy Library ordering and absorbing it's unmatched collection of knowledge and literature. She has a photographic memory and not only remembers the contents of every book in the library but can find any book at a moments notice.[/hider][hider=History Teacher][img]http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee284/Razgri47/Warriors/elf.jpg[/img] Name: Velari Hermani Age: 957 Gender: Female Race: Elf Position: History Teacher Description: Velari was born during the war and chosen to become a Guardian, however she was far better suited to the scholarly arts than fighting and spent most of the war on the rear lines, supporting the fighters with her magic. After the war she devoted herself to studying history and, when the academy was founded took a position to teach it.[/hider][hider=Magic Teacher][img]http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/A/AN/ANI/animefreak117/1128277315_y_by_getty.jpg[/img] Name: Mania Age: Immortal Gender: Female Race: Fairy Position: Magic Teacher Description: Mania's Guardian was killed during the war, but she endured and spent the long years since wandering the forests in solitude. It was Aria, Alivari's fairy who found her and convinced her to leave her solitude and join the Academy. Mania agreed to her old friend's request but only reluctantly.[/hider][hider=Combat Teacher][IMG]http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/neko_zpscb1f2797.jpg[/IMG] Name: Lucas Greymarsh Age: 527 Gender: Male Race: Wolfkin Position: Combat Teacher Description: Lucas was born in the later half of The 1000 Year War as a slave to the Humans. By all accounts he was well treated but his free nature chafed under his enslavement, that is until he was freed by none other than Alivari himself. Out of gratitude and loyalty to Alivari, Lucas joined his army and fought many battles alongside him. Alivari chose Lucas to be one of the first non-elf people to receive the honor of becoming a Guardian and he followed the Elf Guardian to victory. After the war, Lucas remained at his friend's side and became known as Alivari's Warhound, a label he wore with pride. When Alivari created the academy, Lucas was trusted with training the future students in the use of various weapons.[/hider] [b]Bonding Policy:[/b] You are allowed to make a Fairy character and have that Fairy bond with another player, as long as that other player is not also a Fairy. However if there is no Fairy player characters you will have to have your bonded Fairy as an NPC controlled by you. Bonding between Fairies and Guardians will take place in the rp, but you may pair up now in the OOC if you like. You won't start out bonded unless there is a good reason, which should be included in the background section of your CS. [b][u]Character Template[/u][/b] (picture goes here) Name: Age: Gender: Race: (Elf, Human, Fairy or some species of Beastkin) Elemental Affinity: (this will be "Fae" for Fairy characters) Personality: (can be a few points or a short description) Background: (just a couple of short paragraphs)