[quote=axleonex] It's alright if a tragedy makes your character behave a certain way, (like the onion advice I mentioned) but your entire character can't revolve around a single tragedy. "I'm going to betray all my friends, family and pets because I have a debt of twenty dollars to pay." Don't blow tragedies out of proportion. [/quote] Pssh! I don't know about you, but I am still reeling from the fact that the guy I had a crush on in first grade (give me a sec and I'll remember his name, I'm sure - along with his birthdate, which wrist his watch was kept on, and who all of his family members were, as well as his favorite kind of pudding which is STILL his favorite, I am positive) pulled on my pigtails and made me cry and feel like I was ugly and unwanted and fat and suicidal and homicidal and manic. Seriously dood - don't betray reality. That was a REAL HURT and I'm still going to bed CRYING MYSELF TO SLEEP!!!! I'm crying as I type this and I cry whenever I sit down at a coffee bar and get a latte with extra cinnamon. I've named my first born after his pet gerbil so I'll never forget him, ever. And when I'm eighty, I'll be sure to explain to the detective that if it weren't for what's-his-name, those twenty people in my justice borne rage would have survived because I'd have been easier to live with and they would have been allowed to put the toilet paper on any damned way they want. ** heh. you rock. Amen to all yer post. Good, solid tips for role players.