Resting his elbow on the table and his chin the the palm of his hand, Thomas considered Liza's point. It was entirely true that if the police only looked for suspects off the list, the person who actually committed the crime would get away if they weren't on it. The odds of that seemed fairly slim to him, but it was always possible. Even the most unlikely of events had a chance to occur. "You might have something there. What if the killer planted the list on purpose, as a distraction? Or even saw their name on it and managed to remove it somehow? I don't see how we could come to that conclusion and the police might not though. Detectives have their jobs for a reason, right? The part that really gets to me about all of this though is that the list is of her friends and siblings, at least supposedly. There's only one name on there I don't recognize, but who's to say she didn't have friends, or enemies, outside of school? Why point the finger at her friends though? Which of us would really have a reason to do something so drastic as kill her?" Drumming his fingers against his lower lip and narrowing his eyes, Thomas thought it all through, considering each name and what he knew of the person behind it. No likely motivations came to mind, but that by no means meant there weren't any. "Maybe if we could get a look at the list, or even the other evidence... I don't know. I don't think anyone has enough information to really get a picture of what happened, or why. If they had, someone would have been arrested by now. I don't think we're going to outdo a trained homicide detective though. Especially without access to everything they will have."