Central forest was for the most part, very serene. Only a small fraction of it was tourist friendly, as it was made a national park decades ago, allowing for nature to take over the concrete roads and buildings, the dark tunnels and sunlit playgrounds. It became a symbol of fae making their way back into society. As the trees grew, so did the fae's courage to question their social oppression. So, techies and humans typically avoided Central Forest, which just reminded them of the shift in social norms that was occurring around them, it was something most people didn't want to acknowledge. Naturally it became a safe haven for groups of fae looking to get away from the constant noise of the hive city, it became a popular spot for college students to spend the weekend camping, whether if it was so they could get high and trip out peacefully or just to practice some transcendence. There was always a mysticism to the forest though, stories of magic and spiritual happenings that went on beyond the safety of the trails. For years, fae students would return from trips to Central Forest with stories of seeing apparitions or hearing something, it became an exciting thing. When Ulrich and Damien made their homes on opposite side of the forest, it became a big deal. Making a permanent home out of the sanctuary made perfect sense, but was oddly bold, something the O'Shalna brothers became known for. "We're almost there!" alerted Alistair, he, along with 2 of his scouts lead Damien and Domerix through the trees and brush. One of Alistar's scouts, a Satyr named Thialgo had spotted Ulrich in a small grotto laying among the flowers and butterflies. It would be the first time Damien will see his brother in months, which is all he could think about as they ran through the forest. What would he say? How would he say it? Would he try and hug his brother or simply tackle him at first sight. Would Helen be there and would she be happy to see them together again? Clearly, Damien's mind was clouded, the usually calm and collected leader of the Sea Tigers was susceptible to distraction when it came to his brother. UIrich was the only one with the ability to rattle Damien's mind with words alone, and it was because Damien both love and hated his brother at the same time. Ulrich did a lot for Damien, introducing him to Avan, inadvertently helping Damien reach his full spiritual potential, apparent as the Sea Tigers came shortly before the boy king's clan. What really got to Damien more than anything was that they both wanted the same thing, only they were complete polar opposites about it and while that was heartbreaking, it didn't quell any of the intense animosity between the two. "Here, just over here guys." Thialgo warned, prompting the entire group to stop their running and slow down to a slow, crouched walk. Through the tree line, the grotto was in full sunlight, the patches of flowers spread throughout glowed with life and butterflies fluttered around, dancing. Statues of old politicians stood covered in moss and vines, dulled and cracked, unrecognizable. Damien sat on one knee and waited in silence, listening for someone who wasn't them to make a noise. From the flower patch closest to the grotto, a hand reached out from the flowers, laughing softly as a butterfly landed on it, flapping it's wings for a bit before taking off again. The figure sat up, shirtless and pale, it's shock of red hair glistening in the sun. Damien's eyes peered as he watched Ulrich soak up the sun so nonchalantly. Oh, how it pissed him the fuck off. The figure stood up and walked around, kicking up dirt and coming into full view of the group that remained hidden in the cool dark of the trees. Damien let out a deep breath and stood up, shaking his head and walking right out into the sunlight in frustration. "Damien!" Alistar whispered loudly. "It's okay, it's not him." Damien turned and shouted back, a good distance into the grotto. Damien approached the figure, coming closure and noticing it's otherworldly glow, confirming his suspicions. Waving Domerix over, the large orc stood and jogged out, joining his friend and leader in the grotto's sun, swatting away the annoying butterflies that came near him. Domerix got close enough to realize it wasn't really Ulrich, but a residual projection, something Ulrich was a professional at. Domerix reached out to Ulrich's form, his hand going right through the young man. Frustrated that they had been tricked, he reached back and swung right through the thing, it's head dispersing like smoke only to regrow and smile so smugly at the orc. Damien calmed his captain, waving over the rest of the guys. Thialgo the satyr hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry Damien, I thought it was him." the satyr confessed, shaking his head. "It's alright Thi, this is probably the best projection I've ever fucking seen." Damien replied, examining Ulrich up and down. "Yeah I wish it was him, I'd have laid the little fucker out." mumbled Domerix. "How'd you know it was a projection?" Alistar asked. "His tattoos, this one has none," explained Damien, his finger pointing at Ulrich's clean hand and torso, "Ulrich's damn proud of those tats, he wouldn't hide them for anything." Alistar's last scout finally made his way out of the treeline, another elf by the name of Barthas. "We're all clear guys, nobody around here for a while, no footprints, no markings, nothing. I don't get it." explain Barthas. "I don't get it D, why would he do this?" asked Alistar. Just then, the figure began to laugh, Ulrich began to crack up, laughing hysterically, slapping his knee and holding his stomach, only it didn't really make a sound. All of the Tigers stood puzzled, watching as the figure laughed harder and harder, it's face red and sweaty from it all. Suddenly, aloud shriek rang through the trees, seemingly into the grotto that was a combination of a tea kettle going off and nails on a chalkboard, whilst listening to feedback in a room full of large fucking speakers. Each of the Sea Tigers covered their ears and shut their eyes, the sensation being too much to handle without your ears exploding. The screaming faded away, and Damien along with the rest of the group drew their swords and immediately watched the treeline, waiting for whatever made that noise to show itself. That's when the projection breathed in, all five turning to listen. "BALTAMA DULECIA NE GUZAROOO" shouted the projection, and without warning it exploded, the sheer force sending Damien and the others flying back about 10 feet. The terrible shriek from before rang out again, disorienting the Tigers as they scrambled to recollect themselves. Damien's ears rang as he struggled to stand, looking around for his comrades before finding his sword, picking it up out of the dirt. Domerix picked up Thialgo, Alistar was on all fours trying to regain his focus and Barthas laid unconscious on the ground. Damien shook his head, trying to snap himself back into a sharp focus, but it proved difficult. The ground shook and vibrated in rhythm. Footsteps approached, and dark figures could be seen standing among the trees. Something was coming, something not of this world.