Angelica woke up early like she planned and took her sweet time getting ready. She packed everything up into her pack and headed out. It was a very humbling feeling knowing everything you owned could be carried on your back. It let you have a sense of exactly what you were worth. All her possessions she carried and yet it did not amount to much. She was nothing and she knew it but it made her proud. There really was nothing the legion could take from her or at least she thought they could take nothing. She walked through the dark streets of the Hub towards the meeting spot and she was lost in thought. She was excited and scared about what journey they were about to undertake. She hoped she would survive to at least reenter the Mojove. She rounded the corner onto the street of the bar and began walking towards the meeting spot. Already, with the help of the bars electric lights, She could see the Supermutant Dirge, Jackson and the doctor. She also could she a woman and a dog she did not know was among the group as well. Angelica smiled at herself. She thought she would be early but she looked like she was among the last to arrive. She finally walks up silently to the group and waits quietly.