the name of the rp will be merlin high school. this will be a casual rp I am checking the interest in these particular genre. please post question about it, if you are interested in join this rp. I am hoping to get at least two people so I could start the rp. june/17/2034 you woke up on this day, your usual time, getting ready to continue on with your day, you were stopped at the door way of your house and ask to verify your name, once you verified your name you were given a letter. the letter contained your age, your name, and your grade. once you open the letter it stated "you have been formally invited to the grade open of merlin high school, it doesn't matter what part of the world you come from we will still accept you, we will strength your capability to use magic. thank you very much for your time, sincerely your the principal of merlin high school!"