Hey Wernher, I have the following edition to my NS that I'd like to run by you first. It's under notable locations in my NS. [b]The Great Plain of Yggdrasil[/b] -- Forms the actual border between Crayvenhart and the Ralgon Empire. The Crayvens could never occupy it as the Ralgon end was too well-defended, but neither could the Ralgons take to the open field and outright conquer it. Therefore, it has remained a buffer zone for many decades between the two powers. Along the mountains and coast surrounding Yggdrasil, the Ralgons have fortified themselves extensively, opting to defend their oceans rather than attempt an all-out battle for the peninsula and adjoining lands. It is also home to many refugees, outcasts, and bandits of all kinds. _____________ EDIT: More or less finished my NS. Take a look!