[quote=antarctic termite] You're the same colour as Jorick....You two can repopulate the limebloods for us! 8D [/quote] Someone doesn't understand troll biology very well. They breed like ants, sort of. They have a "queen" of sorts that accepts genetic information from the general populace once every three years or so, and then mixes it all up in what the comic describes as "an incestuous slurry", and then impregnates itself with that an lays a few hundred thousand eggs. These eggs are all incubated until they hatch as the larval form of the troll race, most commonly called grubs. They have no arms or legs, and are pretty much helpless no matter their blood caste. After a time, they spin cocoons and undergo metamorphosis into the prepubescent state, gaining a humanoid shape, though they are at the mental state of a human toddler. At this time, they are forced to leave the cave in which they were hatched, and face trials on the brutal surface of their world before being adopted by a wild beast. This monstrous guardian is called a lusus, and afterward defends the young troll as it struggles to make a home for itself and mature into adulthood. Holy fuck I'm a dork for knowing that without a Wiki check for anything except for the precise spelling of "lusus".