[b]Parris City, St. Albert’s Catholic Church[/b] “What about it, Officer Levitski? Should we make a ton of noise looting this church?” William Robens inquired with a sense of self-centered safety as he turned around from the window and looked to the police officer with a blank expression. Robens knew the police officer's triggers as he had particularly good at analyzing people, it was something he picked up from his father growing up who had been a police detective for the city for several years before retiring to San Francisco five years prior. It was also why he was good at keeping a classroom in line and he didn't want some idiot to screw up him breathing to the next day. “Those people infected out there are attracted to noise.” Will reminded the police officer. Officer Levitski was the ‘leader’ of the group and the self-appointed protector of all of them, as well as a devout Catholic. His deep sense of religion and guardianship over the others made a knot rise in his throat as he looked to Henry. “He brings a good point, we can’t let them hear us.” Peter Simpson rolled his eyes, “Then we’ll do it quietly, Christ.” “…please don’t use the lord’s name in vain, sir.”