The elvish woman finally explained herself as Nova and De closed his eyes slowly in contentment and nodded. He laughed a little at her comment about the interaction of mage users and physical fighters in battle. " Don't worry.. i'll give you breathing room alright.." Forgetting that the soup was conjured by ethereal means he began to eat it and before long, Nova excused herself politely to go and see to the paladin. Again De nodded and briefly watched her go, curious as to what the paladin was experiencing. However his attention then went to Cassandra who then also introduced herself as cassandra and that she was a something called a Drow. He nodded to her, paying attention and keeping his mouth shut while she talked. His facial expressions barely changed as he brought the soup bowl up to drink from it. It made sense that their species nickname was 'dark elf' and the way that she had freely talked about it seemed that it wasn't a sort of derogatory word of any sort. "hm.." He gave a hum of intrigue when she came to the point of her hair and he briefly tried to imagine seeing a Dark elf with the sort of red hair that she described. And then she came to the reputation of her race, as from what she was telling him, they were not fondly looked upon. De understood that in some ways, not all races get along with everyone and once hot heads collide there are bound to be racial stereotypes and racial differences that could spark a social stigma against a particular race. It happens within their own species too. As De had finished his bowl of food he shook his head slightly about her explaining her 'way' of doing things. "That shouldn't be entirely true. Sure, I may be a heavy weight but that is because of the circumstances that I found myself in and because of such, I was shaped a certain way so that I could survive my environment just as you had to because of where you were brought up and I should not blame you for it. That is not fair." he briefly switched hands carrying the bowl and moved to set it down on the floor for now. " Just because you may be smaller does not mean you are not just as strong or if not stronger than I am. The strength of your opponent should not be measured in his ability to swing his sword or his ability to take out as many foes at once. Real strength is in here" De took two fingers and tapped the side of his temple, referring to intelligence and wisdom. " Any brute can take a sword and kill someone with it. Heck, he may end up killing himself. Real strength is in the mind and it is your mind that will keep you alive. When you face an' opponent, you are not testing his vigor, you are testing his knowledge of combat and if you are smarter, you will win."