[quote=vancexentan] No there aren't. Extended are mostly crazy children who are made to combat the more effective coordinators if you want an extended he'd need regular medical treatment and he'd come from OMNI and already be a designated pilot for his suit. I should warn you extended are REALLY skilled but hard to play as since they have limited run time compared to other pilots. [/quote] Sorry for the late reply. I'll take your warning to heart. I still would like to make an Extended (or Boosted Man, as they were originally called). My idea is that he/she will be affiliated with OMNI and placed in the G-Project to 1. test the gundams, 2. test the abilities of boosted men, and 3. keep tabs on the project and ORB and to report to OMNI. I will RP with guidance from you, the GM; if you say in the OOC, "Hey, you can't stay in combat any longer," I will have my character retreat or suffer a crippling withdrawal in the IC. Having an extended/Boosted Man/BIological CPU will add to diversity and political/emotional tension and be a physical representation of OMNI's long arm in ORB's affairs and the G-Project. It will also make for interesting combat as my character would be piloting the supremely average and bland Duel Gundam (before Assaultshroud add-on), which sort of balances out my characters inherent abilities. This is my asking permission from you, the GM, to make such a character. If you decide that it's still not a good idea, I'll comply.