Alex jumped slightly when Elsa appeared with a tiger by her side. She appeared human. Alex lowered his hands and adjusted his fingers making the small blades in his gloves disappear. [i]Strange looking?[/i] Perhaps. "..." He was silent for a few seconds. "...What do you mean?" His voice was a bit rough. He hadnt talked for a few days and began to forget what it was like. Being in the presence of a stranger was somewhat uncomfortable. She asked him a few questions. He exited his fighting position. "....No." Alex's mind could be considered a calamity to some people. ".... Unless you consider the human mind a tribulation." Alex said with the same rough voice at first slowly becoming more melodious. He smirked after he made said statement. He thought so. His mind's tendency to wander currently led him to think about his more misanthropic side. He lightly shook his head to come back to what was probably very sadly reality. He took of his hat for a few seconds to show her he had no kind of calamity under his hat. Or rabbits. Just his shaggy onyx black hair. He placed it back onto is head. As for the coat... "....No... It's just...." He paused. "Why do you want to know and why should i be answering these questions?" He asked before slightly moving his eyes to peek at the tall trees and around himself. He was a bit paranoid of being attacked. Especially when on such accessible ground. He again had to return his mind to the current situation. Alex didnt like majority of people. He hated majority of what people created also. Would have been best to dash for it huh? Oh well.