Leader name: Nishkan Leader age: 20 Leader gender: Male Civilization Name: Nisan Pop.: 300 000 Government type: God-Dictatorship, where the current leader is worshipped as a God(not an actually god.) Leadership is passed down through series of five mental competitions between the current leader and the challenger, of which the current leader chooses three challenges and the challenger chooses two. A maximum of two challenges may be magical in nature, and the current leader chooses his/her challenges before the challenger does. If the current leader fails, then s/he has the choice between becoming an adviser to the new leader or retiring on state benefits. Should the current leader win, the challenger is executed.Only members on the Nishian(the name of citizens of Nisan) royalty may challenge the current leader. Should the current leader die without being challenged, then all willing nobility participate in a multi-player version of chess using one of the many custom boards owned by the state. Ideology: All native Nishian people are superior to non-native Nishian people, and anyone who immigrates to Nisan has some sense although not as much as natives, and anyone who does not live in Nisan is an idiot besides those who have very clear accomplishments, and even those are slightly off their rocker for not wanting to live in Nisan. What the culture resembles: It resembles Soviet Russia in that it is a communist country and that is has a corrupt government that looks after itself first and it's people second. Aztec culture in that is has nightly human sacrifices, usually criminals or people captured from other nations and that they build massive temples to their God-Dictator. Rome in that they have daily gladiator battles and that they are costantly looking to expand their borders. Source of income: They export gold from their mines, as well as several types of legal and illegal drugs. General History: Originally, the Nisan were a simple, violent tribe living in the jungle. Then the first God came to them as their savior and lead to victory against all their rival tribes. Eventually they moved out of the jungle to the smoother lands beside it, but still retained a vast knowledge of the terrain. Slowly over time their prejudice against others grew along with their reverence for their leader, who can do no wrong. Other: They live beside a massive rain forest.