Leader name: Gengyo Ishinomori Leader age: 32 Leader gender: Male Civilization Name: Qutemara Pop.: 500 000 Goverment type: Autocracy, when the leader dies his oldest son or daughter takes his place. Qutemarans ( people of Qutemara ) are very loyal to Ishinomoris ( current dynasty that has ruled over 300 years), they are willing to die for their leader. Every man must serve in the army until age of 40. Ideology: Qutenarans are very interested in technology, they are friendly with another civilizations but not with immigrants. What the culture resembles: It resembles Byzantine because of its strong despotism. Also a little bit Livonian Order because of its military traditions. Source of income: Their main income comes from fishes and also they export iron ore from their mines. General History: At the beginning there were 16 different families/nations ( all were asians ) that shared one big island. They fought with each other over thousands of years, but the strongest nation, Qutemara, united this island into one. Other: They live on a big mountainous island that is surrounded by sea. Sea that is surrounding them is fully filled with fish. They look like Far East asians.