Name: Carlee Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] [url=]Clothes[/url] Personality: Carlee is very quiet , kind, and conscientious. She can be depended on to follow through with tasks or promises. She usually puts the needs of others above her own needs. Stable and practical, Carlee values security and traditions. She has a rich inner world of observations about people, but she often gets lost in her thoughts rather than focusing on the present situation. Extremely perceptive of other's feelings, interested in serving others and making them happy. Although she is adequately skilled in fighting, she does not like conflict, and is not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, not interested in leading or controlling others. she is flexible and open-minded about other people lives, traditions, stories, etc... Current Status/Background: Carlee's always been a fighter. Her mother died giving birth to her and as a result has been living with her father all her life. Since she was little and got beat up in a fight with bullies, her dad has been training her in martial arts and kickboxing so she can hold her ground against an enemy. As a member of the US Air Force, her Father taught her how to repair all types of planes and other vehicles while they were at an airport with about a hundred other people. She is adequately skilled in repairing those kind of vehicles, but is still not a pro. There was some kind of unknown breech and somehow, the infected got in and killed everyone, including her father. She barely managed to escape with her life and is now on the run, looking out for refuge where there are people. She was not able to gather much during the invasion, just a machete, a pocketknife, rope, mase, and about a few days worth of food and water for herself. Her situation is looking grim as she is growing tierd and weak, and though she has told no one yet, she is losing vision in her right eye though she does not know why.