Grant simply nodded his head as he watched Jackson walk back into the bar, slowly Grant pulled his hood back up over his helmet and went in the opposite direction. It was obvious that job was not going to be like taking out a raiders camp that much was obvious. He wondered if anybody else was feeling like they wanted out, it didn't seem like it but then again you never can tell with humans the way they often his crucial emotion. Grant liked to believe he was like that once upon a time, but the truth was after the transformation things like emotion are severely dulled even to the point of not being able to recognize certain emotions. But there was one such emotion all mutants had and that was anger without a doubt. But things like fear and remorse or dieing were not so big with mutants, hell no mutant feared death, and perhaps that was the reason why mutants died so hastily because without fear they are relentless in any situation. Grant wondered if that was the reason why he had been approached to go with that group... then again the other mutant in the group seemed more then enough for a mission if it came to size and no fear of death. As Grant walked through the Hub many of the people he caught staring at him or starting to move in opposite directions, this town truly was no different then the others, and it was a sad and maddening thing when people classified his kind all into one stereotype, it was insulting to those Mutants who had ascended beyond that cannibalistic tendency, the ones who truly tried to live a life that was good and not wreckless killing. Sometimes Grant wondered what the point was in trying to convince these people that mutants were not all bad just different, truly sometimes even he just wanted to crush them all. But in the end it would only prove them right, that a dead mutant is a good mutant. Grant turned his course and walked into what some might consider a shadier part of town, one he knew quite well for he had a small place in this town that he retired too when life in the wastelands got a bit rough, most people avoided this part of town anyways so it was easy to slip in and out here and there. The walk was short before Grant came to a small entrance at the end of a rather dank alley way in the Hub, raising his large hand he grabbed the handle of the door and wrenched it hard opening the door. The door was actually jammed when it closed so a good amount of strength was needed to pry it open, most did not even bother with it seeming the building was abandoned or so they thought. Walking in Grant closed the door behind him and descended down the narrow stair way ducking slightly to avoid the overhang at the bottom, walking to the door at the end of the hall he slowly applied a code to the panel, he cursed these panels honestly for his fingers were so big but he managed to input the code as the door clicked and he walked inside. The room was pretty big to someone who was human but medium size to him, walking across the room Grant came to the bed where a rather large locked case was present, it was very dusty for he had not opened it for a very long time, picking up the large case with mere ease he placed it on the bed and reached into his clocked and removed a key from his neck and slowly placed it in the lock opening the case. Inside was a CZ57 Mini gun, a remnant of his time back in the vault he was imprisoned in, more like a trophy from the super mutant who kept him binded down there for so long. Pulling it out of the case the gun was pretty much in mint condition still, compliments to the gun store owner who fixed it up for him if one day he required the extra fire power. Until now he had no use for it, for he chose to use his hammer he had constructed, but Grant remembered what Jackson said that some of them might not return so it was best to perhaps be a bit more prepared this time just in case. Grant swung the weapon over his back and concealed it under his black cloak so it would not be easily spotted and clicked the leather strap tightly to keep it from moving too much. Turning Grant just left the open case on the bed and removed the two extra ammo boxes and placed them on his leather belt under his cloak. Now all there was that was left was too wait, Grant never slept, in fact it was impossible for any of his kind to really sleep due to the radiation so he just sat down silently and waited. __________________________________________________________________________________ Time passed by slowly but soon enough the time to meet had come, Grant slowly ascended the stairs and walked out into the cool air of the morning, closing the door behind him it jammed once more and he left it behind himself. Grant liked the morning, there were barely any people around at this time of day and that suited him just fine, it was nice to have a walk where he did not have to worry all the much about getting attacked. It had not taken Grant too long to reach the meet up point, most of the humans going on the trip were there already and waiting, he silently took up a position near Jackson and slowly leaned against a near by building, he said nothing but waited to move out. Grant was not much for words unless the time called for it.