She looked behind him and realized that Matt hadn't followed, and remembered hearing him saying something as they disappeared. She watched for a few moments more before shrugging disappointingly as drawing her attention back to Toby. Her chest tensed when he seemed to switch in front of her, his horns were out which wasn't a surprise after realizing that he wasn't human, but she wondered what he was. She was afraid that if she would ask him then he would ask her and she had yet to come up with a secret. She wasn't sure why he mentioned the dorm room close to his, but decided to also not make note in it. She stood back up from the stairs and took a deep breath looking towards the doors that lead in to the school. She then bit her lip and open the door to see the main lobby, the floor was so shiny it looked like glass. It was elegantly modern as if it had just been built. She watched for Toby from the corner of her eye as she continued to walk in to the school. "Where do we go again?" She said completely confused by the mazes of hallways and doors inside the the room.