Jackson Greeted Angelica as she approached and did a quick headcount there was only the other Mutant and Randall left to join us, He tried to speak to everyone making sure he knew who was on his team, though he did not really care for who they were or their life stories he did care who he would have to back him up. Jackson had always been a lone wolf when he could help it, but his time as a caravan guard did help in this situation, he often took point during trips from outpost to outpost as the lead guard he knew his way around a gun and how to safely pass through dangerous roads with minimal difficult. but this was different. The Mojave is different. No this would be more like the job Mr V first hired him for, but a lot longer and more - His train of thought was distracted as the other large mutant approached, Grant if he remembered correctly, Seen as he hadn't really had chance to speak to him before jackson made his way over to him to inquire about this tank of a being that stood in front of him. "Grant, you all set for the suicide mission that could line your pockets for the next 5 years at least?" he tried to keep a friendly yet stirn tone not show any form of weakness to those who was counting on him to lead them.